Exciting New Plants for Hummingbirds and Butterflies

Since “Spring is in the Air” here are two new, exciting plants that we fell in love with and that hummingbirds and butterflies will love, too.

If you are a delphinium fan, you are going to love this new variety “Red Lark”.  Instead of all the usual blue delphiniums, this one is coral red. It is gorgeous.  Red Lark will grow to about 30″ tall.

Buddleia True Blue (butterfly bush) is another plant that will bloom from early summer to a frost.  Butterflies, especially Monarchs, love butterfly bushes.  The foliage is silver green and will grow to about a height of 6′ in one season.  Most butterfly bushes will survive our winters but can be quite late emerging in spring.

To read more about these plants, click on the red links below.

Red Lark

Delphinium Red Lark
Courtesy of Proven Winners – www.provenwinners.com

True Blue

Buddleia True Blue
Photo cortesy of Monrovia Nursery