New Perennials to Try

If you like to try new plants, we have some new ones we hope you like.  They each have interesting characteristics. 

Achillea (yarrow) Desert Eve Terracotta is an early blooming yarrow with big clusters of tiny rusty orange/yellow flowers.  Butterflies are attracted to this plant.

Veronica Dark Blue has abundant, full spikes of violet-blue flowers that bloom continuously throughout summer.  Attracts butterflies and bees.

Hosta Fantasy Island is a dwarf hosta for planting in front of the shade garden.  There are only a few dwarf hostas so this is a welcome addition for our hosta gardeners.

See You Tomorrow daylily (hemerocallis) produces yellow clusters of blooms that last for FIVE days.   Daylily blooms only last for one day, hence the name daylily.

Dianthus American Pie Berry a’la Mode has large pure white flowers with a magenta center on sturdy stems.  Great cut flower.  Very eye appealing

Click on the italics plant name below for more information:

Achillea Desert Eve Terracotta


Veronica Dark Blue


Fantasy Island Hosta

See You Tomorrow Daylily


Dianthus American Pie Berry a’la Mode