Have You Planted Your Hydrangea(s) Yet?

Hydrangeas have become almost the number one selling plant.  This is due to their easy maintenance and the many colors that have been developed.  Rather then go into the various kinds of hydrangeas, this article is just going to talk about the woody kind (they are shrubs that lose their leaves in fall but do not die back to the ground) and the ones that have soft stems (not woody) and generally have lots of die back over winter.  The shrub kind can grow in full sun and sun with some shade.  They can get 2.5 ft tall to over 8 ft, depending on the variety.  Generally this hydrangea has more subtle colors, like white with pink or a tinge of green.  The soft stems ones have more brilliant colors and want morning sun but definitely afternoon shade.  They come in shades from white to pink to dark pink to blue to purple and various other shades.  Generally this type of hydrangea gets only about 2 ft to 4 ft high.  The woody ones are super easy to grow and the only maintenance is shaping them or trimming them if you wish to keep them more uniform looking.   The soft stems ones  should be mulched for winter protection and cut back to about 12″ in fall and in spring cut back stems that do not turn green.

Take a look at all the landscaping ideas on the Internet.   Just type in something like “Landscaping with Hydrangeas” or go to Pinterest and look for hydrangeas.  You will get so many ideas of how to add interest and color to your yard or foundation.  Presently we have the following hydrangeas in stock.  Just click on the name and you will be taken to a page with further descriptions.  Please ask our staff if you are new to planting hydrangeas and they will help you find the perfect one for your area.  Also ask for a sheet on hydrangeas that will give you additional information.

Berry White
Candy Apple
Early Evolution
Little Lime
Little Quickfire
Strawberry Shake
Strawberry Sundae
Summer Crush
Twist n Shout