Drift of Fragrance – Lilacs
Close your eyes and imagine the drift of fragrance from lilacs. Very soon they will be everywhere, blooming in shades of deep purple to light pink to white. Lilacs have come a long way since our grandma’s lilacs, most often the common purple. Short lilacs to tall lilacs to tree lilacs to reblooming ones have been developed. At our nursery we carry many varieties of lilacs. Below is a list of some of the lilacs we have. Keep in mind, though, that we may be out of stock for some lilacs and new ones may be added. Click on the lilac name below and you will be taken to a page describing that lilac.
Albert Holden
Beauty of Moscow
Bloomerang, Dark Purple
Charles Joly
Common Purple
Common White
Donald Wyman
Dwarf Korean
Ludwig Spaeth
Miss Kim
Mount Baker
Scent & Sensibility