Spring Flowers & Fall Color: Double Duty Plants


There are several plants, trees and shrubs alike, that are well known for their early season attributes, but go amiss when it comes to their fall foliage. As we turn the calendar to September and prepare for fall, the garden center is beginning to transition to reds, oranges, yellows, from the typical greens that gather the rest of the season. As you walk around, you can see its more than just the maples, oaks, grasses, and dogwoods turning color, there are common spring and summer staples that are also pulling double duty as we head into fall.


Crabapples are commonly known for their showy spring flowers, but did you know they also have fabulous fall foliage? Flaunting tones of red and orange, crabapples do not receive enough attention for their fall foliage which should be equal to their spring flower. So the next time you are seeking a new tree for your yard don’t forget about the dueling seasonal opportunities a crabapple can provide!


An under utilized garden gem! Available as a tree or shrub, this specimen boasts beautiful spring florals that lead to edible small purple-black berries. The tree form ‘Autumn Brilliance’ is a beautiful medium sized ornamental tree if you are looking to add diversity to your landscape. The shrub form, ‘Regent’ is a great addition for feeding wildlife in your yard or creating a small hedge or screening. Not only will these plants bring spring color and edible fruit, the blaze red/orange fall color is a show stopper for sure!


Prolific blooms fill these plants early season. Bright pink, purple, white and orange are colors you can expect from these spring flowers. Many people desire the spring impact that the azalea and rhododendron bring to the landscape but many are unaware of the bonus fall color they are in for. Broad, thick leaves bring copper and bronze hues into fall with the next season’s buds adding a depth of texture, what a sight to behold!


So, as we make our way to the end of another year, planning for the next begins. Consider adding a few of these double duty plants to your landscape and enjoy an eye catching spring and fall landscape.

Serviceberry Fall Foliage

Crabapple Fall Foliage

Mums: Garden versus Fall

Now is the time of year when beautiful mums appear at Trees Today Nursery, grocery stores, and home stores.  These are called “fall” or annual mums.  Their colors are an assortment of reds, oranges, bronzes, yellows, whites, and many more.  They look beautiful sitting in pots on front porches or placed in gardens.  However, they generally do not survive being replanted in the garden in  Zone 4 (our area of Wisconsin and Minnesota).  If they do survive a winter, chances are they will not survive the following winter.  If you succeed in overwintering a fall mum in your garden, to get a bushy blooming mum in fall you need to start pinching it back in July or chances are it will become stringy and lanky.

Garden mums are the perennial mums hardy to Zone 3.  At Trees Today we carry Mammoth Mums that were bred at the University of Minnesota for endurance and cold.  Once planted in your garden they may grow to 3-3 1/2  feet wide by 3-4 feet tall.  Their colors are limited, but their abundant blooms are very showy and last for weeks.  Also, these mammoth mums do not need any pinching.

Orange fall mum
Photo from Trees Today Nursery


Mammoth lavender mum
Photo by Trees Today Nursery



Sharing Photo of Pink Splendor Hydrangea

Look at this beauty! A customer snapped this picture of their Pink Splendor hydrangea from 2020, stating “This brings a pop of color to my patio!”

A great addition to a small garden or as a patio plant, the Pink Splendor will quickly reach a height and spread of 4 feet. This hydrangea thrives in morning sun and afternoon shade or filtered sun.

If you are looking to give this one a try, stop in and pick one up, we just received a fresh shipment.


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Mid-season Restock

The perennial tables have been looking a little bare lately, but not any more! New shipments of coneflower, sedum, salvia, and hibiscus and many more items have arrived!

Here is a preview of some of the spectacular colors now available!


  • Sweet Sandia Coneflower

Rainy Day Blooms


Finally, some well needed rain is reaching us here in the coulee region! It may be a dreary day, but fear not, your landscape doesn’t need to leave you will the same feeling. We have numerous shrubs and perennials in full bloom that will brighten up your landscape on days like today. Stop in and brighten your landscape today!

  • Peach Drift Rose


A Season of Thanks

What a whirlwind 2020, has been! The unprecedented times of COVID-19 have tested the limits of the individual and community. Here at Trees Today we have masked up, kept our distance, and meticulously sanitized our spaces in order to keep our customers and staff safe. 

The world may have stopped in its tracks, but our gardens didn’t. Customers new and old took advantage of their time at home to beautify their landscapes and looked for ideas and guidance throughout the season. Our wonderful staff revel in sharing their knowledge with each other and our customers and appreciate all the questions, answers, and new information shared this season. We are never done learning and our gardens are never complete! 

During this season of thanks, we would like to thank our customers for choosing Trees Today for all their landscaping needs. We look forward to working with you next season!

Wishing you all happiness, good health, and safety this holiday season!


Trees Today Nursery Staff

The Final Chores of Fall

November is quickly approaching which can only mean bitter cold and flurries will soon follow. Have you completed your fall tasks to prepare your yard for winter yet? If not, we have a few essential items that will make your work a breeze. Our GardenStraw is fully stocked and ready to be used to insulate plants going into winter. Trunk guards, tree wrap and our broad array of animal repellants are on hand preventing critters from causing harm to your beautifully tended plants. Lastly, fresh inventory of Wilt Pruf and Wilt Stop are here to minimize moisture loss in plants, including your Christmas tree!



Need Clean, Good Looking Edging for your Garden?

Have you always wanted a nice clean edge for your planting beds? Now is a great time to do it! We can install bullet edgers, natural stone edgers or poly edging. Give us a call at 608 317 5425 or email us at [email protected]. Continue reading for photos of our landscape crew installing bullet edgers and natural stone edgers.


Jordan prepping soil for bullet paver installation

Ian installing bullet paver edging









Finished product with bullet edgers and rock installed



Ian and Loklan prepping for natural stone edgers installation

Finished natural stone edging


Berry Poppins

Finally we have the Berry Poppins winterberry for sale at our nursery. We have tried for several years to get this shrub but it was never available so we are pretty thrilled that we now have it in stock. If you like winterberries, or a shrub with red berries in winter, this might just be the one for you! It has a height and spread of 3-4′ and you can use Jim Dandy (the male) as the pollinator. Read more about it by clicking on the following link.



Berry Poppins
Photo courtesy of www.provenwinners.com/

Berry Poppins close up
Photo courtesy of www.provenwinners.com/

Annuals Galore

We have no doubt that Trees Today Nursery has the largest assortment of annuals in the area.  We have over 100 varieties and they have been selling like crazy.   Some of our favorites for pollinators are the cuphea (vermillionaire in particular) for the hummingbirds and the Tithonias (Mexican Sunflowers) for the Monarchs.   For unusual container plants, the Laurentia and Mercadonia are great.  They are  tiny little flowers, one blue and one yellow, that will fill your containers in no time and bloom and bloom.   Also, of course, we have all the old favorites like geraniums, zinnias, marigolds, lantanas, lisisanthus, and the list goes on.    Stop in while the selecti0n is still great.

GoldDust Mecardonia
Photo courtesy of Proven Winners – www.provenwinners.com

This plant has small green leaves that are covered with yellow nemesia-like flowers from May through October, excellent heat tolerance.  It is an Award Winner

Characteristices:  heat tolerant, deadheading not necessary, an annual – 2 to 5″ tall, spread 16-20 inches, easy maintenance, blooms to frost, full sun.
GoldDust® Mecardonia hybrid ‘USMECA8205’ USPP 22,871, Can PBRAF
Information courtesy of Proven Winners. 




Beths Blue Laurentia – Photo courtesy of Proven Winners – www.provenwinners.com

This plant likes full sun.  It reaches a height of 12-14 inches and a spread of 10-14″.  It is an award winner.

Characteristics:  Heat tolerant, deadheading not necessary, maintenance is easy, blooms to frost,  great in containers and window boxes.

Information courtesy of Proven Winners.