There are several plants, trees and shrubs alike, that are well known for their early season attributes, but go amiss when it comes to their fall foliage. As we turn the calendar to September and prepare for fall, the garden center is beginning to transition to reds, oranges, yellows, from the typical greens that gather the rest of the season. As you walk around, you can see its more than just the maples, oaks, grasses, and dogwoods turning color, there are common spring and summer staples that are also pulling double duty as we head into fall.
Crabapples are commonly known for their showy spring flowers, but did you know they also have fabulous fall foliage? Flaunting tones of red and orange, crabapples do not receive enough attention for their fall foliage which should be equal to their spring flower. So the next time you are seeking a new tree for your yard don’t forget about the dueling seasonal opportunities a crabapple can provide!
An under utilized garden gem! Available as a tree or shrub, this specimen boasts beautiful spring florals that lead to edible small purple-black berries. The tree form ‘Autumn Brilliance’ is a beautiful medium sized ornamental tree if you are looking to add diversity to your landscape. The shrub form, ‘Regent’ is a great addition for feeding wildlife in your yard or creating a small hedge or screening. Not only will these plants bring spring color and edible fruit, the blaze red/orange fall color is a show stopper for sure!
Prolific blooms fill these plants early season. Bright pink, purple, white and orange are colors you can expect from these spring flowers. Many people desire the spring impact that the azalea and rhododendron bring to the landscape but many are unaware of the bonus fall color they are in for. Broad, thick leaves bring copper and bronze hues into fall with the next season’s buds adding a depth of texture, what a sight to behold!
So, as we make our way to the end of another year, planning for the next begins. Consider adding a few of these double duty plants to your landscape and enjoy an eye catching spring and fall landscape.