The Final Chores of Fall

November is quickly approaching which can only mean bitter cold and flurries will soon follow. Have you completed your fall tasks to prepare your yard for winter yet? If not, we have a few essential items that will make your work a breeze. Our GardenStraw is fully stocked and ready to be used to insulate plants going into winter. Trunk guards, tree wrap and our broad array of animal repellants are on hand preventing critters from causing harm to your beautifully tended plants. Lastly, fresh inventory of Wilt Pruf and Wilt Stop are here to minimize moisture loss in plants, including your Christmas tree!



Hidden Gems Plant Them Now!

Hello October! It has been a long year with ups and downs. Fall is officially upon us and one thing is certain, we cannot wait to see nature transition into its fall attire! Fall is a friendly reminder that change is possible, necessary, and can be refreshing for the soul.

Being a season of change, now is the perfect time to refresh your landscape with some hidden gems that will add beauty to your landscape for seasons to come. Fall is the perfect time to put the spotlight on some of these varieties that may not get the attention they deserve earlier in the season.

Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa ‘Autumn Magic’

Rounding out at five feet in height and four feet in width, the Autumn Magic chokeberry is a show stopper of a plant! White spring flowers invite a delicious tart berry excellent as a jam or they can be paired with a handful of pretzels or string cheese for a savory snack.  Aronia is also an exceptional fruit to be utilized in the fermentation process for those that like to create their own beverages. Once the berries are gone for the season, fall is around the corner and one can look forward to the rich tones of red and orange that provide the final act of the season.

Emerald Triumph Viburnum 
Viburnum ‘Emerald Triumph’

Exceptionally low maintenance, viburnums are a delightful addition to the landscape as a specimen plant or can be incorporated into a hedge. Emerald Triumph has a broad, glossy leaf which provides great texture and coverage along with the contrast against the white flowers appearing in spring. Berries transitioning from red to black extend the value this plant brings to the landscape.

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’

Ranking high in popularity, the serviceberry is one of a kind. Delicate white flowers are trailed by an edible purplish-black fruit excellent for fresh eating. Fall foliage is outstanding with shades of red and orange throughout fall until the showy grey bark and intriguing branching are in full display during winter. Not only will the tree provide the landscape with many seasons of interest, it also benefits wildlife who also feed on the fruit.

Tom Thumb Creeping Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster adpressus ‘Tom Thumb’

Ideal for any rock garden or dry location, the Tom Thumb cotoneaster will not disappoint! Is there a hillside that is too steep to manage? Are you in search of low lying fall color? Tom Thumb is the plant you need! This small sprawling plant is covered in delicate glossy leaves that come ablaze in fall. Reaching a height of about one foot and spreading to about six feet, this plant will prove its durability and low maintenance in no time.


If you are looking for hardy, durable plants for your landscape look no further than these hidden gems. These are both small and large plants that can bring a world of impact to the landscape. Hidden gems can be found just about anywhere you look. Stop in and find one today!


The Phlox of Fall

No, we’re not talking about flocks of birds, we’re talking about flowering phlox! A small plant that packs a punch of color, especially late into the season. There is still plenty time to plant if the procrastination bug got to you this season. Now is the time, the phlox are in full bloom here at the nursery. Stop in and bring some vibrant color to your garden!










Coral Crème Drop Phlox

Need Clean, Good Looking Edging for your Garden?

Have you always wanted a nice clean edge for your planting beds? Now is a great time to do it! We can install bullet edgers, natural stone edgers or poly edging. Give us a call at 608 317 5425 or email us at [email protected]. Continue reading for photos of our landscape crew installing bullet edgers and natural stone edgers.


Jordan prepping soil for bullet paver installation

Ian installing bullet paver edging









Finished product with bullet edgers and rock installed



Ian and Loklan prepping for natural stone edgers installation

Finished natural stone edging


Grasses, the Secret of the Landscape

Grasses are the “Secret of the Landscape”. They are perfect for spots where you need height but not width, look terrific mixed in with evergreens, plus they have a characteristic all their own in winter. NOW is the perfect time to buy perennial grasses as most of them are putting on their fall show displaying unique seed heads, ranging from dainty to oat-like stalks to flumes. Another benefit of fall purchasing is to see the red/russet color that many of these grasses will turn in fall. We have the following grasses in stock: Shenandoah Switch,  Karl Foerster Feather Reed, Flame, Avalanche Feather Reed, Red Silver Japanese Silver,  Overdam Feather Reed, Porcupine, Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain and Prairie Drop Seed.


Bunny Tails Dwarf Fountain Grass
Photo by Trees Today Nursery

Gardening in August

As the garden season is winding down, following are a few suggestions on “Gardening in August”:

Quit fertilizing rose bushes, shrubs and trees after August 15th.
Start dividing flowers that need it, i.e. irises, hostas, daylilies, grasses, etc.
Continue watering evergreens until a hard freeze.
Continue weeding your garden.
Continue deadheading flowers that will continue to bloom.
Remove deceased plants from your garden.
If the annuals in your planters are wore out, consider replacing them with fall mums.
Harvest your herbs.


Roses for Fall Color? You Bet!

Did you know that most modern shrub roses bloom well into Fall?  Many are still blooming at the end of October.  Granted you won’t have the orange and rust colors associated with fall, but you will get deep reds, bright reds, pinks, yellows, whites and peach colors from these blooming roses.  Check out our vast array of roses and talk with a staff person about what type of rose best suits your need and how easy they are to grow.  You will enjoy their color from mid-June through October.  At present, we have 19 varieties of roses in stock.  Check out our latest rose to arrive, the “Nitty Gritty Peach” rose.


Nitty Gritty Peach rose
Photo by Trees Today Nursery


Nitty Gritty Peach Rose
Photo by Trees Today Nursery

Latest Arrivals

We just received a shipment of some unusually beautiful perennials and shrubs. Ann Magnolia shrubs arrived in two different sizes, therefore they have two different price tags. There are some blooms on them and are very nice and full. To me the Ann Magnolia is by far the best of all the Magnolias. Then we have lots of Zagreb and Moonbeam Coreopsis that are blooming their heads off. I’ve been working here a decade and the best looking Artemesias are here now! We have more giant, zone 4 hardy hibiscus in red and rose color. Presently they are not blooming but are loaded with buds ready to open. We also have gaillardias, hydrangea trees, White Fringe Trees, Yellow Grace n Grit roses, plus many, many more plants.  Stop in!!

Photo by Trees Today Nursery

Zagreb and Moonbeam coreopsis
Photo by Trees Today Nursery















Grace n Grit Yellow Rose
Photo by Trees Today Nursery

Photo by Trees Today Nursery















Quick Fire Hydrangea tree
Photo by Trees Today Nursery

Ann Magnolia Shrub
Photo by Trees Today Nursery













Fall Color Soon

If you drool over beautiful Autumn trees that put on amazing displays of color, now is the time to think about planting one. Of course maple trees are known for their exceptional fall colors, ranging from yellow/orange to deep reds. However there are many other dazzling, colorful fall trees. Imagine a grove of Quaking Aspens shimmering with their gold leaves. For those yellow/gold fall colors, consider the following trees:  Gingko, Quaking Aspen, Lindens, Honeylocust, Birch, Hackberry and Elms. For those of you who enjoy more reds and oranges there are the Serviceberry, Oaks – specifically the Northern Pin Oak,  and the native Blue Beech. Then for orange or red berries in fall we have the Showy and European Mountain Ash trees. Our staff will gladly help you choose the right fall color that will work in your situation.