Hanging annual flower baskets are fertilizer hogs. There are so many recommendations on what to use for fertilizer, from long acting fertilizers to making a tea solution. Probably the best fertilizers are the fast acting ones like Miracle Gro. Once the plant starts filling the baskets, it may be necessary to fertilize them at least once a week or more. Google fertilizing hanging baskets and see what type of fertilizer appeals to you. If you want your basket to look like the ones you see hanging from the light poles in cities and villages, you are going to have to fertilize and water faithfully.
Deadheading Flowers, Do or Don’t
What is deadheading? As flowers start fading, pinch or cut off the flower stem below the spent flower and just above the first set of full, healthy leaves. Should flowers be deadheaded? That depends on the flower. Generally most annuals and perennials will benefit from deadheading. If a flower blooms continuously, like zinnias, cosmos, and coneflowers, it will help the flower set more blooms. Flowers that bloom only once, such as foxgloves and hollyhocks should not be deadheaded as the spent flowers need to produce seed for next year’s bloom. Please note that it is NOT necessary to deadhead. Many gardeners find it relaxing and fullfilling to deadhead; to other gardeners it is a monotonous chore. If you are unsure if you should deadhead, check the flower out on the internet or call our nursery.
The Place to Shop
This week (June 1st) we unloaded two semi’s full of perennials, shrubs, roses, and etc. So if you are looking to update your yard or replace those tired, old looking shrubs, stop in and shop at Trees Today Nursery. The products we just received are high quality and beautiful. We must have over 200 coneflowers in stock. Our Blue Marvel Salvias are an intense blue and blooming along with the yellow tickseed. What a striking combination the blue and yellow will make. The peach drift/carpet roses that arrived are to die-for. We carry so much more then the normal run-of-the mill plants. Our variety of shrubs and perennials is huge.
OMG – Just Beautiful
Oh my gosh, JUST BEAUTIFUL. Two words to describe the roses we have in stock. In our opinion, never have we seen such beautiful roses for growing in Zone 4. These new varieties, Grace ‘n Grit and Nitty Gritty roses are wowing everyone with their superb performance. They bloom all summer, in fact well into fall; they come back in spring; and they are available in pure, bright colors of red, pink, yellow, and peach. The Grace ‘n Grit roses have long stems so you can pick them and put them in vases. We have over 100 roses on hand. Stop in and let a staff person help you pick the perfect rose for your location. The following are actual pictures taken from our stock roses.
Blooming Azaleas in Stock
Several varieties of blooming azaleas have arrived. If you have been thinking about getting an azalea now is the time to stop in and purchase one as you can see what the bloom color looks like. Either a single specimen or several planted together will put on show-stopping site in spring. Azaleas generally prefer morning sun and afternoon shade with moist and acidic soil. If your soil is not acidic, we sell a product to help make your soil acidic. Just ask one of our salespersons for help.
Crabapples Abloom
Now is the time of year when the crabapple trees are taking center stage. This year is a beautiful year for them as most of them are truly full of blossoms. Purchasing a crab apple tree now means you get to choose the color of blossoms as you will see most of them blooming at our garden center. There are many various shades of white to a dark pink, possibly close to red. Following are a few of our crabapple trees blooming.
Everywhere you look, magnolias are putting forth a beautiful display of pink and white (some yellow). If you have not seen them, take a drive around La Crosse and we are sure you will find trees or shrubs in full bloom or will be soon. At Trees Today we have a good supply of magnolia shrubs and trees that range from 8ft to 35 ft at maturity.
Kelsey’s Dwarf Dogwood
If you found this past winter that your yard looked kind of blah, then plant this new variety of dogwood. In winter it provides dramatic color with striking bare red stems that will put that needed punch in your dull landscape. It gets about 24 – 30 inches tall and wide with a rounded shape. Foliage grows all the way to the bottom of this plant. It is great for erosion control and tolerates wet soil. Very hardy to Zone 3.
Velvet Viking Japanese Maple Tree
Finally, a Japanese Maple that is a zone 4. This is a dwarf maple that was discovered growing in a yard in Minneapolis by a landscaper. The maple was about 4 ft tall and 8 ft wide. Obviously this tree survived some very harsh winters, even the polar vortex. The Velvet Viking was named for its rich velvety color and after the Minnesota’s Viking football team. Monrovia Nursery received some cuttings and began the long process of bringing this plant to market. (-MPLS Star-Tribune 6/13/20) Presently there is only a limited supply of these trees available to the public. Be the first in your neighborhood to plant this tree. Since they are a dwarf variety, they also make beautiful patio plantings in a pot.
A Season of Thanks
What a whirlwind 2020, has been! The unprecedented times of COVID-19 have tested the limits of the individual and community. Here at Trees Today we have masked up, kept our distance, and meticulously sanitized our spaces in order to keep our customers and staff safe.
The world may have stopped in its tracks, but our gardens didn’t. Customers new and old took advantage of their time at home to beautify their landscapes and looked for ideas and guidance throughout the season. Our wonderful staff revel in sharing their knowledge with each other and our customers and appreciate all the questions, answers, and new information shared this season. We are never done learning and our gardens are never complete!
During this season of thanks, we would like to thank our customers for choosing Trees Today for all their landscaping needs. We look forward to working with you next season!
Wishing you all happiness, good health, and safety this holiday season!
Trees Today Nursery Staff
Christmas Greenery
Stop In! Time to start decorating for the Christmas season. We now have garland, boughs, spruce tops, decorated pots, wreaths, dogwood and miscellaneous greenery for sale. Fresh cut Christmas trees will be for sale starting November 23rd. Check out our holiday hours.
The Final Chores of Fall
November is quickly approaching which can only mean bitter cold and flurries will soon follow. Have you completed your fall tasks to prepare your yard for winter yet? If not, we have a few essential items that will make your work a breeze. Our GardenStraw is fully stocked and ready to be used to insulate plants going into winter. Trunk guards, tree wrap and our broad array of animal repellants are on hand preventing critters from causing harm to your beautifully tended plants. Lastly, fresh inventory of Wilt Pruf and Wilt Stop are here to minimize moisture loss in plants, including your Christmas tree!