Soon the snow will be gone and it will be time to start cleaning up your perennial garden. First remove old foliage from perennial plants. Cut the stalks back to about 1/2 inch above the ground unless it is a crown plant, i.e. sedums, coral bells, etc. Only dead and damaged leaves need to be removed from the crown plants. Cut back your perennial grasses to about 3-4 inches above the ground if you have not already done so. Maybe leave a few blades of this dried grass behind for the birds to build nests. Next rake up all the old garden debris and matted leaves as this matter is a great hiding spot for slugs and insects plus it harbors disease. Dig out weeds. For healthier plants with more blooms consider putting down a thin layer of compost followed by a time-release fertilizer. Now sit back and enjoy your future blooms.
Deer and Rabbit Protection
Protect the bark of young shade trees, ornamental trees and shrubs this fall and winter from deer and rabbits. We recommend using trunk guards on your trees to keep deer from rubbing on the trunk. The white plastic trunk protectors are inexpensive, easy to install and reusable for several years, and will also protect tree bark from damage by mice, rabbits and winter sun. You can use tree wrap to keep rabbits from eating your tree as well. Make sure to protect newly planted shrubs and trees that are still tender to the rabbits and deer. Fence in the plants if possible. There are great spray repellants to use year round to keep the critters from snacking on your plants. This spring remember to get the systemic granular repellent into the garden as soon as your see leaves coming out and planting emerging from the ground!
Pollinator Weekend
Join us to learn more about helping our pollinators! We will help you shop for pollinator attracting plants, show you what a butterfly puddler is and get a free seed bomb while supplies last!
Enjoy our Buy 4 perennials get your 5th perennial free sale!
See you Sunday June
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Protect your trees now!
Protect Your Trees Now From Japanese Beetles And Emerald Ash Borer!
Do-It-Yourself With Optrol.
Optrol is the product of choice for tree care professionals. It is the only retail product that provides the killing power needed to control Japanese Beetles and Emerald Ash Borer on all sizes of trees.
Optrol is a broad spectrum, easy to use, highly concentrated systemic insecticide that utilizes the proven performance of imidacloprid. It provides 12 months of protection and controls a wide variety of insect pests including Japanese beetles, Bronze Birch Borer, Emerald Ash Borer, Birch Leafminer, White grubs and more.
Optrol allows the highest application rates in the industry for maximum, research proven protection against the most difficult tree pests. It is great for small jobs or single trees. Just measure the amount you need for a tree, mix it with water, and apply.
November Chores
Happy Fall!
We are enjoying this beautiful fall weather! Is it really November? We have been busy doing our fall clean up and plant protection. We are still watering our plants a couple times a week. It is still a great time to plant trees! Stop in and see us for tree guards, deer and rabbit repellents and Wilt Stop!
Some of us are already looking forward to the holiday season. We will be getting our spruce tops, fresh cut christmas trees, wreaths and roping in! We will also have beautiful pre-made holiday planters!
Remember to:
Remember to keep watering your new shrubs and trees this fall until freeze.
Trim off and throw away any foliage from your plants that might have suffered a disease or fungus this summer.
Once we have a week of freezing, use leaves, cocoa bean mulch, grass clippings or straw to help protect plants and improve your soil quality.
Leave It~
Coneflowers, Black-eyed Susans, Sunflowers and all other seed producing flower heads can be enjoyed by birds all winter. Fall and Winter is a great time for you and your birds to enjoy your perennial grasses.
Use trunk guards and tree wrap to protect your tree trunks from deer, rabbits, sunscald and frost cracking. Use repellents to spray your shrubs and trees to keep animals from munching on them this fall and winter. Wilt Stop is a great product that stops winter kill, wind burn, sunscald, salt damage, and drying out.
Fall is a great time to trim back spent perennials that are hiding slugs and snails, like hostas and daylilies.
Rake up and throw away leaves under roses, fruit trees and plants susceptible to powdery mildew and other pests and diseases that persist through winter into spring.