This is the time of year when most dogwood is at its’ showiest. Make your winter yard colorful with dogwood. The Cardinal dogwood is a bright red. The Arctic Fire dogwood is a dark red. The Firedance is a brilliant red. Read about them under our Plant section for size and other characteristics.
For gardeners who are on the lookout for shrubs that provide winter interest after most flowers and leaves are gone, snowberries rate high on the list. Plump, candy-pink berries ripen in early fall, as the last of summer’s small pink flowers swell into pearls. As the leaves fall, each arching stem is adorned with decorative berries which remain on slender branches through winter. The perfect plant for the winter garden, these compact forms are suitable for a more prominent place in the front border. Snow Berries are especially beautiful with a light dusting of snow.
August is the month when sedums become the star of the garden. Besides the usual Autumn Joy and Autumn Fire, we now have in stock the Desert Rose sedum, which only gets 8″ high and is covered in red blossoms. Also blooming is the Dazzleberry that will be covered with raspberry colored blossoms from now to fall, on grayish leaves and only getting 6-8″ high. The Sunsparkler Lime Zinger, a creeper, is getting it’s shades of pink now among the green, rose type petal leaves. Stop in while there is a selection. These are the most simplest of sun perennials to grow.
Roses have been given a bad rap this year due to so many that did not make it through the past winter. This is very unfortunate because for the money invested in a rose you can have many years, maybe even a decade, of blooms from mid-June to a hard frost. People need to realize that we may never have a winter-kill like this past year’s again. Our area lost trees, shrubs and perennials to this winter’s extreme weather. Give roses another try! The new, modern roses are extremely easy to care for; and should you purchase one we will give you a handout that will help you with their care. Plus, we have 14 varieties of roses in stock so there is something for everyone.
Some staff favorites are:
Ian likes the old-fashion Rugosa roses for their rose hips, wonderful fragrance and hardiness. They come in shades of purple, white and pink.
Annie chooses the Music Box rose, a MUST if you like the Peace rose. It has soft yellow and pink petals.
Beth favors the Kashmir rose, a velvety dark red, almost tea-like rose. If you want red, this is it!
Melissa picks the Campfire rose for its bright yellow and red bloom. Cheerful!
Mary prefers the Knock Out roses for their prolific blooms and the fact that they come back every year for her.
Mophead hydrangeas, drift roses, ferns, hostas and other plants make wonderful container plantings. Simply leave the plant in the nursery pot (great it you could upsize the nursery pot one size larger) and just put the nursery pot with the plant in it inside the decorative pot. For the price of a hanging basket, you can invest in a showstopper container plant that gives you color summer through fall, plus you can enjoy it again next year. Imagine a blue moped hydrangea or a red drift rose in a fancy pot by your front door. Stunning! In mid-fall, plant it in the ground. If it is a hydrangea or a rose, cut it back to about 15 inches and mulch it. You can also try overwintering it in your garage or basement. Stop in and we will help you choose a plant that fits the site. We will give you a hand-out on how to overwinter container plants. Note: We do not warranty plants that are not planted in the ground.
We now have in stock the highly desirable Crimson Kisses Weigela which grows to about 3 x 3 feet and has red flowers that continually bloom until fall.
After a late start this spring, our nursery is now fully stocked with lush, beautiful trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals. For example, we have 18 varieties of hydrangeas, 15 varieties of spireas, and 11 varieties of weigelas. This is just a small sampling. We get new stock in weekly. Stop in while the selection is great!
OPTROL protects your birch tree from the bronze birch borer, your ash tree from the emerald ash borer and all trees from over 40 insects for up to 12 months. Apply in spring for best results, but may be applied anytime during growing season. Simply mix the product with water and apply.
Optrol is the product of choice for tree care professionals. It is the only retail product that provides the killing power needed to control Japanese Beetles and Emerald Ash Borer on all sizes of trees.
Optrol is a broad spectrum, easy to use, highly concentrated systemic insecticide that utilizes the proven performance of imidacloprid. It provides 12 months of protection and controls a wide variety of insect pests including Japanese beetles, Bronze Birch Borer, Emerald Ash Borer, Birch Leafminer, White grubs and more.
Optrol allows the highest application rates in the industry for maximum, research proven protection against the most difficult tree pests. It is great for small jobs or single trees. Just measure the amount you need for a tree, mix it with water, and apply.