Coneflowers, coneflowers, coneflowers

Our employees are crazy over all the coneflowers we have in stock.  Presently there are over 700 coneflowers on our tables and at least 22 varieties.  Come in now while the selection is still great.  

Perennials for Specific Locations

Following are some of the perennials we carry that will work well in certain locations:

Full Sun areas:

Partly Sunny areas:

Partly (mostly) shaded areas:

  • Anemone (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Beardstongue (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, tolerates dry or moist soil
  • Bleeding Heart (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Geranium, Hardy (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Goatsbeard (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, tolerates dry soil
  • Hosta (photo by Trees Today) many varieties
  • Iris, Siberian (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Lenten Rose (photo by Trees Today) several varieties
  • Lungwort (Photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Peony (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Spiderwort (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil

Shade areas:

  • Bleeding Heart (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Goats beard
  • Concord Grape spiderwort
  • Lenten Rose (photo by Trees Today) several varieties

Perennials for Mostly Shady Areas

To view some perennials we carry, click on the above “perennials for mostly shady areas”.

  • Anemone (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Beardstongue (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, tolerates dry or moist soil
  • Bleeding Heart (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Geranium, Hardy (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Goatsbeard (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, tolerates dry soil
  • Hosta (photo by Trees Today) many varieties
  • Iris, Siberian (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Lenten Rose (photo by Trees Today) several varieties
  • Lungwort (Photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil
  • Peony (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties
  • Spiderwort (photo by Bailey's Nursery) several varieties, moist soil

Perennials for Sunny Locations

Click on the above, perennials for sunny locations to view some of the perennials we carry that work well in sunny locations.

Bridal Wreath

Are you reminded of your grandmother when you see a bridal wreath blooming?  They are blooming all around La Crosse presently. If you want to be reminded of years ago or just have a comforting feeling, get one now while they are in stock.  This is an old-fashioned shrub that is becoming more and more popular.

Sapphire Clematis

If you like clematis, this is one you should try.  It is a unique clematis that has long lasting dark purple blooms that fade to deep blue with dark purple to black anthers. On top of that, it is a continuous bloomer, blooming from June through September. It can be trained as a climber, grown as a shrubby ground cover with no support, or container-grown to a height of 4′. It also can be grown in partial shade. Some gardeners claim it blooms wave after waves, and love it as a ground cover



Dreaming of Annuals

Are you dreaming of planting a flower bed, window box, hanging basket or a planter with annuals? Then stop at Trees Today Nursery. We have ordered over 180 varieties of annuals. To help with questions, we have a chart for these annuals that gives you information about height, bloom time, sun or shade, pollinators, etc.  Just Click Here for this chart.


Look at What Has Arrived!

Wow, we got some beautiful plants in this week.  The PJM rhododendrons are amazing, and so are the purple gem and pink treasure rhododendrons.  To top that off, the ivory prince lenten roses we just got in have lots of buds and blooms.  Never before has this plant arrived so  beautiful as this year.  Then there are magnolia shrubs, blue ribbons bush clematis that have buds, coral bells and others.  Following are images of some of the plants.



White Star Magnolia


Various rhododendrons


Purple Gem Rhododendron


Bud of Pink Treasure Rhododendron


Ivory Prince Lenten Rose


Some of our many plants







Nothing says spring is here like pussy willows and forsythias.  The Northern Gold Forsythia was introduced way back in 1979 in Canada.  This shrub grows 6-8 ft high and has a spread of around 5-7 ft.  It is very hardy, Zone 3-8.  This shrub has outstanding flower color and bud hardiness.    If you are looking for a smaller forsythia, we have Gold Tide Forsythia, which only gets about 2-3 ft. tall and 3-4 ft. wide.  This shrub is hardy in zone 4-8.  Forsythias look amazing if you plant them as a large, sprawling screen.  If size is a concern, then you should prune the larger ones back to about 2 feet right after flowering.  Plant these shrubs as they will put a smile on your face in spring when they bloom.


Photo Courtesy of Baileys Nursery – Northern Gold Forsythia


Photo Courtesy of Baileys Nursery – Gold Tide